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James K. Sohn

2023-12-18 Monday

Other Dev Stuff

Adding Google Analytics to Your Next.js Project

Google Analytics


A simple guide to adding Google Analytics to your Next.js project

Adding Google Analytics to Your Next.js Project post thumbnail

1. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google that enables website owners to track and analyze user interactions, website traffic, and various metrics to gain insights into user behavior and optimize the performance of their online presence.

I integrated Google Analytics to my blog to mainly see my visitors and their demographic backgrounds; but Google Analytics offers much more than just that. Best of all, it's free. Unless you are using another analytic service, I personally believe there is no reason not to use Google Analytics even in your smallest projects.

Without further due, here is how you can begin using Google Analytics with your Next.js projects.

2. Step 1: Set Up Google Analytics

If you don't have a Google account for some odd reason, go ahead and make one first. Once logged in, access the Admin section and initiate the account creation process by following the steps provided by Google.

Google Analytics Setup Account Name Stage

Enter an account name of your choice. An account is a user-specific identifier for a Google Analytics dashboard that organizes and manages multiple websites or mobile apps under its control.

Google Analytics Setup Property Stage

Establish a property, representing either a mobile app or website. For my blog, the property is named jsjs-devlog.

Google Analytics Setup Business Stage

Google Analytics Setup Business Goals Stage

Select business descriptions and goals to what best fits your property.

Google Analytics Setup Platform Selection Stage

If you are creating a website using Next.js, choose 'Web' as your platform. For other project types, select the appropriate option.

Google Analytics Setup Data Stream Stage

Enter the URL and the name of your website. Upon completion, make sure to grab the Measurement ID. It should look something like G-0000000000.

Step 2: Add MeasurementID to Environment

Create a new file named .env.local in the root directory of your project. There, add the following code. Make sure to add it to .gitignore if you are using git.

// Put your MeasurementID from Google Analytics
GOOGLE_ANALYTICS = "[your-measurement-id]";

Step 3: Load Analytics

If you are using App Router, add the following script tags in your root directory's layout.tsx.

// layout.tsx for jsjs-devlog

import "./globals.css";
import type { Metadata } from "next";
import Script from "next/script";
import { Nunito_Sans } from "next/font/google";
import { Header, Footer, PageWrapper } from "@/components/common";

const nunitoSans = Nunito_Sans({
  subsets: ["latin"],

export const metadata: Metadata = {
  title: "JSJS Blog",
  description: "Frontend engineer's journey to becoming a better developer",

export default function RootLayout({
}: {
  children: React.ReactNode;
}) {
  return (
    <html lang="en">
        // ↓ Add the following two script tags
        <Script id="google-analytics" strategy="lazyOnload">
              window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
              function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
              gtag('js', new Date());
              gtag('config', '${process.env.GOOGLE_ANALYTICS}', {
              page_path: window.location.pathname,
        <link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" sizes="any" />
      <body className={nunitoSans.className}>
          <Header />
          <Footer />

Step 4: Check Google Analytics Dashboard

Open up a browser and visit your property. Once finished, proceed to the Google Analytics Dashboard and select the 'Realtime Data' section. If everything has been correctly setup, you should be able to observe at least one user (representing yourself) and their location on the map.

Google Analytics Dashboard

I am currently writing this blog post in Chuncheon, South Korea, and the map accurately reflects my geographical location.

With this, you should be able to get analytic data on your Next.js website!

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