A total of 3 posts
Using Your Console to its Full Potential
Any good JavaScript developer knows the console is our debugging partner. But there is more beyond 'console.log' that the console can offer us. Level up your debugging game with more console functions.
2024-02-04 SundayFrontend
Using React Query's useInfiniteQuery Hook to Make Infinite Scroll
Data can get heavy in modern day applications. That's why paginating data is important! Here is how to implement infinite scrolls in your next project with React Query's useInfiniteQuery hook.
2023-07-08 SaturdayFrontend
The Pros of Using Tailwind
Hated it at first sight. Loved it after giving it a fair amount of tries. My opinions on why TailwindCSS is awesome, esepcially for your small personal projects.
2023-12-12 Tuesday